25 April 2014


P H O T O G R A P H E R // Walter Maurice
M O D E L // Katrine @ Priscillas Model Management
S T Y L I N G // Liv Rahme
M A K E U P + H A I R // Anna Milczarcyk
H A I R // Elly Hanson

Now up on A B S O R B absorb.net.au/black-to-basics

F A S H I O N //
1.  May top, Elliatt pants, Windsor Smith shoes, American Apparel socks.
2. LeftEvil Twin jumper, Staple skirt. RightStaple top, American Apparel turtleneck, Evil Twin pants, Windsor Smith shoes.
3. LeftAmerican Apparel jumper, Elliatt skirt. RightProvocator dress, Flexfit hat.
4. Left: Country Road shirt, Stussy shorts. Right: Provocator bra and jeans, Neuw Denim coat.
5. Left: Paint It Red vest and shorts, American Apparel top, Adidas Originals shoes, socks fromFootlockerRight: Country Road shirt, Neuw Denim jumper.

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